Oppose the Ag-Gag!

The “ag-gag” bills, S.F. 1118/H.F. 1369, are still alive when the Minnesota Legislature convenes January 24 and may come up for hearings this session.. These bills would make it illegal for someone to enter a farm or animal-producing facility and take videos or photos without the owner’s permission. The bills would make even just possessing and distributing these videos or photos a crime. The bills did not pass in 2011 because many people, including the news media, thought they were unconstitutional.

Go Green Go Veg!

A great group of ARC volunteers marched in the May Day Parade. Our theme, echoed in the green flags carried by marchers, was “go green, go veg.” Thanks to all the volunteers who staffed our booth at the festival in Powderhorn Park, marched in the parade, and made the day so successful!

These days it seems you can’t turn on a television or open a newspaper without seeing a story about the importance of going green. While there are many things you can do to go green, one vitally important action, adopting a plant-based diet, has been ignored by the media and promoters of events such as the Living Green Expo.

ARC at Pride

Besides our booth at the Pride Festival, ARC also marched in the Pride parade in Minneapolis. Marchers carried “Go Faux” flags and handed out suckers and stickers that said, “I fake it!” – all to encourage the parade audience to think about swearing off leather and fur. The stickers were a huge success!

School’s In! And So Is Humane Education!

ARC has been busy getting humane education materials into the hands of teachers. In addition to our booth at the Education Minnesota Professional Conference, ARC offered Cruelty Free Circus Action Project packs to K-3 teachers.

The kits contained a lesson plan, student worksheets, and stickers, and they were snapped up quickly by educators eager to teach compassion for animals. We also sent middle school science teachers Frog Fact Files which are colorful kits filled with frog fact sheets covering topics ranging from alternatives to dissection to the lifecycle of a frog. Birdwatching Kits (as alternatives to chick hatching projects) were also sent out to teachers.

Not Every Cat has Nine Lives at AHS

The Animal Humane Society’s five area shelters provide impound services for over 20 cities in and around the metro area, including Afton, Minnesota. In September 2009, a group of Afton residents asked their City Council to review the animal control arrangement between Afton and AHS. This request arose from the discovery that in May 2009, seven cats were caught in live traps, taken to the AHS shelter in Woodbury, and euthanized the same day. By doing so, AHS failed to honor the five-day waiting period as required by Minnesota law. After looking into the matter, the Afton City Council voted unanimously to terminate its impound contract with AHS.

World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week Demonstration at U of M

Over 20 million animals suffer in U.S. laboratories every year. These innocent victims are subjected to addictive drugs, caustic chemicals, ionizing radiation, chemical and biological weapons, electric shock, deprivation of food and water, psychological torture, and many other horrors. World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week is the time when activists come together to make a difference for these animals.

What’s Your Skin Worth?

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped make the Twin Cities premiere of Skin Trade, the most provocative documentary about fur production to date, at the Ritz Theater such an incredible success. And many thanks to the film’s director Shannon Keith, for hosting a fascinating Q&A session after the film.

Thank to our sponsors for their support of this important event with their donations of silent auction items and items for the goodie bags: Everyday PeopleFabulous Furs (the world’s finest faux fur), LUSHVaute CoutureVegNewsLantern Books, and Perseus Books.

Everyday People Goes Fur-free!

Everyday People Clothing Exchange, the Cities’ hippest stores for vintage and second-hand clothes, has pledged not to buy or sell fur or fur-trimmed items at any of its three locations. Owners and sisters Kitty and Liza didn’t hesitate to make the commitment since they had always been apprehensive about dealing with fur items in the past. As Kitty explains: “We’re both huge animal people, we don’t eat meat, so it made sense for our business.”

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(612) 822-6161

Animal Rights Coalition
317 W. 48th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

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