#Not Your Trophy
This past fall, trophy hunting came to the startled attention of Minnesotans with the killing of Cecil the Lion by a Twin Cities dentist. Death by Safari may seem like a nightmare from our colonial past, but it is very much alive, and coming (back) to the Twin Cities. On February 26 and 27, the Minnesota Safari Club International is holding a convention at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in Brooklyn Park that celebrates trophy hunting as an animal-loving conservation movement. Huh? All of Safari Club’s “BIG 5” are on the endangered or threatened species list, and supporting the Safari Club supports the slaughter of the last of our elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards, and water buffalo.
If the thought of nature’s most majestic animals gunned down for game and glory makes you angry, please join the Animal Rights Coalition, Minnesota Animal Liberation, and CompassionWorks International on the sidewalk outside the Marriott at 7025 Northland Drive North for a legal protest on Saturday, February 27 from 10am to 1pm. (The local authorities have asked us to park in the warehouse parking lot just across Northland Drive from the hotel.) You don’t have to say or do anything; just stand with us, hold a sign if you are able. (Signs will be provided.) Let the Minnesota Safari Club and big game hunters know that there is nothing sportsman-like about killing animals to make wall hangings.
For Pete’s sake, we live in Minnesota. Exotic animals should only come to our homes on the pages of National Geographic. Trophy animals – hung above the mantle? That’s just carnage. It’s sad indeed that our own Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has a booth at this festival of killing.