Dairy-Free Future Day at the MN State Capitol

Join community members at the MN State Capitol to share our concerns with representatives about the harm the dairy industry causes our health, the animals, and our planet. We’ll meet outside of the Capitol to distribute educational literature to those entering and leaving the building. Individuals can also drop information off to their representatives as appointments may not be available.
With the rapid spread of H5N1 bird flu through dairy herds, epidemiologists and other infectious disease experts are warning of the coming zoonotic pandemic. 61 people in the United States have contracted H5N1.
Sixty-five percent of the global population is lactose intolerant.
Animal rights advocates continue to remind the public that the dairy industry is unethical and unnecessary, causing harm to cows and their offspring.
Runoff from MN dairy farms is contaminating groundwater and surface water with nitrates from manure and fertilizer. In 2023 the EPA estimated that nearly 10,000 people in southern Minnesota had water supplies contaminated by hazardous nitrates. The dairy industry is horrible for our environment.
𝗦𝗜𝗚𝗡 𝗨𝗣 𝗧𝗢 𝗩𝗢𝗟𝗨𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗥: https://dash.pointapp.org/events/263188

No Pardon for Tom the Turkey

A twenty-two-week-old turkey named Tom was put on display at the Minnesota State Capitol just days before Thanksgiving, in a mockery of the Presidential Turkey Pardon tradition. While the pardon is a symbolic gesture, Governor Tim Walz’s statement that “this turkey is not pardoned from its fate” highlights the grim reality faced by so many turkeys this time of year—regardless of any ceremonial gestures.

Tom, bred by Paisley VonBerge, a high school senior from Hutchinson, Minnesota, as part of the Future Farmers of America program, was destined to be slaughtered for her family’s consumption. “After today, this turkey will go back to my farm to be enjoyed the way turkeys were intended to be enjoyed,” VonBerge said, reinforcing the troubling view that animals like Tom are commodities to be used for human purposes.

Governor Walz’s dismissive attitude toward animal rights is evident in his treatment of his daughter Hope, a vegetarian. During a 2024 Minnesota State Fair interview, when Hope declined his suggestion to eat a corndog, he proposed eating a turkey instead. Again Hope rejected eating an animal and he dismissed her by saying, “Not in Minnesota. Turkey’s special.” This exchange reflects the broader disregard for animal rights among those in power.

Whether pardoned or slaughtered, these rituals of celebration and consumption fail to recognize the inherent value of sentient beings. Tom’s story serves as a stark reminder that behind every holiday tradition and meal, there is a life—one that is often treated as insignificant in the pursuit of human enjoyment.

Take a Peek: Our Redesigned Website is Here!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand-new, easy-to-navigate website! Designed with you in mind, our updated site makes it easier than ever to stay connected and take action for animals. Here’s what you can do:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest news, updates, and insights by exploring our regularly updated blog.
  • Never Miss an Event: Check out our calendar to stay on top of all ARC events.
  • Get Updates: Sign up for our monthly newsletter and volunteer email list to stay in the loop on ARC news and upcoming events. 
  • Take Action: Link to our Volunteer Network or POINT to sign up for exciting volunteer opportunities that make a real difference.
  • Learn More: Dive deeper into our programs and campaigns to see how we’re advocating for animals and their rights. 
  • Support Our Work: Make a donation to help us continue fighting for animal rights and building a community of changemakers.
  • And So Much More: Explore resources and discover ways to get involved!

This is more than just a website—it’s your hub for being part of the ARC movement. We’re thrilled to have you along for the journey and can’t wait to see what we’ll achieve together!

Check it out now: https://animalrightscoalition.com/

SeaQuest Fort Worth Has Closed!

We’re thrilled to announce that SeaQuest Fort Worth has closed its doors! However, at this time, we do not have information on the future of the animals at this location. We sincerely hope SeaQuest will collaborate with animal advocates and sanctuaries to ensure safe, caring placements for these animals.

Currently, five SeaQuest locations remain open: Roseville, MN; Folsom, CA; Woodbridge, NJ; Las Vegas, NV; and Layton, UT. Earlier this year, SeaQuest Littleton, CO shut down, following closures in Connecticut and Georgia in 2023.

Many remaining SeaQuest locations are under investigation, including SeaQuest Roseville, which has accrued nearly 100 violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Recent USDA inspection reports, now publicly available, reveal ongoing welfare concerns. SeaQuest Roseville only recently established a formal agreement with an attending veterinarian (AV), a critical requirement absent since April. The USDA’s August 5th, 2024 inspection report states, “One of the two pigs housed in the enclosure has long hooves with mild outward curving causing splaying and abnormal positioning of the toes. Excessively grown hooves can result in abnormal weight distribution and eventually lead to discomfort, pain, and lameness.” Although the welfare of these animals is of high concern, it is in their best interest to live free from exploitation in a sanctuary setting. While the most recent report doesn’t mention the pigs, we remain hopeful that their welfare needs, along with those of other animals, are being addressed.

Let’s Sink SeaQuest Roseville! Connect with us on Facebook, join our protests, sign the petition, and reach out if you’re a former SeaQuest employee or Roseville resident interested in helping out.

Upcoming Protest Dates:

Send Jeanie, Krissy, and Paige to Sanctuary!

Jeanie, Krissy, and Paige, the elephants exploited by Trunks and Humps (also known as East Texas Elephant Experience), are forced to travel from event to event for brief moments of human “entertainment.” These magnificent animals deserve so much more. They deserve to live in a true sanctuary, free from exploitation and the constant threat of harm.

Many people may feel excited about the chance to interact with exotic animals at fairs, but if they understood the reality, they might think twice. These elephants endure long hours of confinement, often chained and transported in cramped trailers across the country. In their natural habitats, they would roam freely, form deep social bonds, and travel great distances every day. Instead, they are reduced to walking in endless circles, burdened with heavy loads, day after day.

Beyond the ethical concerns, these attractions pose serious public safety risks. Wild animals like elephants are often coerced into submission through cruel training methods. In some cases, they reach a breaking point, resisting their handlers and retaliating. Additionally, elephants carry a strain of tuberculosis (TB) that can be transmitted to humans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledges this risk, yet many companies neglect proper TB testing due to its cost and complexity.

Despite the clear dangers and cruelty, the Minnesota Renaissance Festival continues to offer these exploitative rides. It’s time to act.

Take Action:

Together, we can stand up for these animals and promote animal-free festival activities!

ARC Partners Nationwide to Advocate for Animals at State Fairs

We have exciting news! This year ARC is partnering with a coalition of other organizations across the country to expose cruelty to animals at state and county fairs. We launched the MNfairwatch website last year and are continuing to build on our advocacy for animals such as dairy cows being exploited at the MN State Fair.

We will have a tent right outside the fairgrounds facing the main entrance for all 12 days of the fair’s run. This is a huge opportunity for volunteers to help educate the public about what animals endure before, during,, and after they are at the fairgrounds, and provide resources to opt out of the exploitation and death of sentient beings that occurs at the fair. 

We broke each day up into 3 shifts:
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Register to volunteer with ARC at the State Fair now by visiting us on POINT. It’s important to sign up correctly so we can update you if there are any event changes. If you have any questions, reach out to our Outreach Manager, Kelsey.

Mpls Marriott Northwest – Killing is NOT Conservation

The MN Safari Club International (SCI) World Hunting Expo will be at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest on Saturday, January 24th, to auction off trips to slaughter animals across the world. SCI claims “to make a positive contribution to wildlife and ecosystems” while referring to hunted animals as “trophies.” Killing is not conservation. This event is a sick excuse to allow people to kill wildlife so they can snap a photo, hang the animal’s head on their wall, or use their skin as a rug. Read more about trophy hunting
We’re asking you to do at least TWO challenges from the Call-to-Action options below:
  • Post on social media (X-Twitter, Meta, Instagram, TikTok) about the SCI World Hunting Expo protest and tag the Animal Rights Coalition and the venues.
  • Create posters and join us at the protest (we do have posters available too). Slogan ideas for trophy hunting signs: Not Your Trophy, End Trophy Hunting, Hunting is Not Conservation, and Honk Against Trophy Hunting
  • Tell your local newspaper, TV news station, and radio station about the protest.
  • Leave a Google Review for the businesses and the venues hosting the events:
    • Search for the business you want to review on Google.
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the business’s profile page.
    • Click on the “Write a review” button.
    • Select a star rating and write your review.
    • Click on the “Post” button to publish your review.
  • Reach out to the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest and share your concerns that a respected establishment would host an event that promotes violence towards animals. Remind them that trophy hunting is a cruel “sport” that needs to stop.

Action for Animals at Cinch World’s “Toughest” Rodeo

Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo is coming back to Minneapolis on February 2nd and 3rd to exploit animals for “entertainment.” Join us in standing up against cruelty to animals by peacefully protesting outside the Xcel Energy Center in February on Friday the 2nd and Saturday the 3rd, from 6:30-8:00 PM.

This rodeo includes bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, and barrel racing. The horses, bulls, and steer, often suffer broken ribs, backs, and legs, torn tails, punctured lungs, internal organ damage, ripped tendons, torn ligaments, snapped necks, and agonizing deaths. More information on why rodeos are cruel can be found here.

These animals did not sign up for this, and they deserve better.

We ask you to meet at least TWO challenges from the Call-to-Action options below:

  • Sign ARC’s petition to Stop the Exploitation of Animals at Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo.
  • Post on social media (X-Twitter, Meta, Instagram, TikTok) about the Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo protests. Tag the Animal Rights Coalition and Xcel Energy Center.
  • Create posters and join us at the protests. Slogan ideas for rodeo signs: “Only Bullies Ride Bulls”, “Stop Bull Riding”, “Bull Riding is Cruel”, or “Rodeo Animals are Electrocuted, Tormented, and Terrified.”
  • Tell your local newspaper, TV news station, and radio station about the protests.
  • Contact Xcel Energy Center and encourage them to only host cruelty free events at their venue. Let them know that animals are forced to participate in the rodeo, putting unnecessary stress and harm on the animals. Xcel doesn’t need to benefit financially from cruelty to animals. Rodeos are a cruel “sport” that needs to stop, and their business can refuse to host them.
  • Leave a Google Review for the Xcel Energy Center:
    • Go to the Google Maps website or mobile app.
    • Search for the business you want to review.
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the business’s profile page.
    • Click on the “Write a review” button.
    • Select a star rating and write your review.
    • Click on the “Post” button to publish your review.
  • Pass out ten copies of the Rodeo B.S. Fact Sheet

Retiring Staff Member – Heidi Greger

Please join us in a huge THANK YOU to Heidi Greger as she retires from her Program Manager position with the Animal Rights Coalition. Heidi plans to continue her involvement with ARC as a volunteer, but this is a great time to look back on her many accomplishments (so far!):

  • Served as the Animal Rights Coalition board vice-president to president Mary Britton Clouse for three years and helped to significantly increase ARC’s annual budget.
  • Played a role in ending dog labs at the University of Minnesota while vice-president of ARC.  (These were labs for first-year medical students where students were given dogs to cut open and perform procedures on, and the dogs were then killed at the end of the experiment.)
  • Worked on the successful campaigns against illegal actions of several University of Minnesota USDA Class B dealers who sold dogs to the U of M; these campaigns provided information to a local TV channel for an in-depth expose on B dealers. After the expose and one of the U’s dog dealers losing his USDA license, the U of M finally discontinued the dog labs.
  • Helped end the Rent-A-Rabbit program at the Animal Humane Society in Golden Valley.  (AHS would actually purchase rabbits to be rented out for a fee to the public.)
  • Was part of ARC’s University Records Project and successful lawsuit against the U of MN to open research records to the public.
  • Participated in the campaign for Make-A-Wish chapters to stop granting wishes involving hunting, shooting, or sport-shooting equipment, including archery gear. Because of pressure from ARC and other organizations, the Make-A-Wish board of directors ultimately reversed their policy and prohibited its chapters from granting these types of wishes.
  • Helped in the creation of ARC’s vegan store Ethique Nouveau. Early on, the store supported new vegan businesses and had the first vegan pop-ups in the metro for many now successful vegan businesses.
  • Took the ARC State Fair campaign from an idea to a reality by researching and creating a very effective strategy and website for the campaign.
  • Surprised the audience with her gorgeous voice and singing with her late husband’s band at the Cabooze in Minneapolis at one of the ARC “Unleashed” fundraising concerts in the 90s.

Thank you for your endless compassion and commitment to advocating for the animals, Heidi! ARC is grateful you’ll be sticking around to volunteer!

Humane Blaine Pet Store Ordinance

In 2022, Queschen M. and her daughter Bella purchased their puppy Lulu, from Four Paws and A Tail, a pet store located in the city of Blaine. Lulu was sick a few days after purchase and had to be euthanized a month later; she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia (common with toy breeds sold through pet stores) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain; an inheritable disease, often due to unhealthy breeding dogs or poor conditions). Lulu was bred by a dog breeder in Wisconsin: Miller Kennel, USDA license # 35-A-0376. This situation is not an isolated case.

ARC’s Go Humane Blaine coalition has been working behind the scenes, gathering information, requesting state records, talking to folks who have purchased sick puppies, and attending city council meetings to raise awareness about puppy mill puppies being sold in Blaine. ARC and Lulu’s family would love your support on this petition, so this injustice doesn’t happen to other families and dogs. If you’d like to get involved in this campaign, send us an email at gohumaneblaine@gmail.com.

Sign the petition

Follow Minnesotan’s Exposing the Pet Trade on Facebook for news and updates

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(612) 822-6161

Animal Rights Coalition
317 W. 48th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

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