New in town, new to the movement, new to volunteering? Don’t worry, you’ll be in good hands! We’ll be happy to help you find your niche. Join us for the ARC Volunteer meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00pm at our combination office and vegan boutique, Ethique Nouveau, located at 317 W 48th St in South Minneapolis. At these meetings we’ll discuss current issues and plan upcoming projects.
If you’re not able to attend a meeting, simply fill out the volunteer form and we’ll get in touch with you about how you can get involved in a way and at a time that works for you. We want everyone who wants to help animals to have the opportunity to work with us, so volunteers who can’t make the meetings are still very much a part of our volunteer team.
You don’t have to be an ARC member to attend these meetings, nor do you have to be vegetarian or vegan. You will be welcomed no matter where you are on the path toward living a more compassionate life.
Please join us. We’d love to get to know you, and the animals need your help!
Types of Volunteer

Outreach Events
During the school year, we travel to colleges to set up a table and talk to students about animal rights. We also attend large public events such as Twin Cities Pride Festival, Open Streets, and EarthFest to hand out literature, food samples, and engage people in our virtual reality outreach.

Peaceful Protests
ARC peacefully protests outside venues where animal exploitation occurs such as rodeos, circuses, hunting expos, and stores that exploit animals such as selling fur or dogs from puppy mills.
The more volunteers we can get at each protest, the better!

Volunteer Meetings
ARC hosts monthly volunteer meetings on the third Wednesday of each month to bring in new and returning volunteers. Each meeting has a different theme or topic to discuss. All are welcome! You do not need to be vegan or vegetarian to attend ARC events.

Cuddle Coats Prep Sessions
One of ARC's programs, Cuddle Coats, is designed to educate the community about the fur industry. Donated fur coats are prepared by volunteers to comfort wildlife at rehabilitation centers and rescues across the United States. After each prep session, we thank volunteers for their hard work by treating them to vegan pizza.

Garbage Clean-ups
Before and after the snow clears, ARC often gets outside and cleans up areas that have the most garbage. Not only are garbage clean-ups great for the environment, they also spare animals from choking or consuming something harmful.
The more volunteers we can get for clean-ups, the better!

Individual Tasks
We've found that some people would like to help animals but aren't comfortable being around others or are unable to attend events in person. If this is the case, we have tasks that individuals can do on their own time, either at home or in ARC's office.
What Our Volunteers Are Saying
Firsthand experiences from our dedicated volunteers at ARC: Hear their stories and insights about making a difference through compassion and advocacy.