Tell the MN DNR How You Feel about the Hunting of Wolves
The Minnesota Legislature has created a wolf hunting/trapping season that ignores the 5-year moratorium that was supposed to protect the wolf for 5 years following delisting. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting comments through June 20th. Anyone may comment – click the “Take the Survey” tab in the fourth paragraph of the second block of text on the DNR Wolf Management page. The survey is biased towards accepting the plan; however, you can leave answers blank and the last question allows you to submit a statement.
The DNR is proposing that 400 wolves be killed and the use of snares be allowed in addition to legal firearms and archery. Minnesota’s wolf population (estimated to be 3000 wolves) has been relatively stable for more than a decade with no significant change in the number or distribution of wolves in the state. There is no scientific evidence to support the need for a recreational hunting/trapping season.