Tell the MN DNR How You Feel about the Hunting of Wolves

The Minnesota Legislature has created a wolf hunting/trapping season that ignores the 5-year moratorium that was supposed to protect the wolf for 5 years following delisting. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting comments through June 20th. Anyone may comment – click the “Take the Survey” tab in the fourth paragraph of the second block of text on the DNR Wolf Management page. The survey is biased towards accepting the plan; however, you can leave answers blank and the last question allows you to submit a statement.

The DNR is proposing that 400 wolves be killed and the use of snares be allowed in addition to legal firearms and archery. Minnesota’s wolf population (estimated to be 3000 wolves) has been relatively stable for more than a decade with no significant change in the number or distribution of wolves in the state. There is no scientific evidence to support the need for a recreational hunting/trapping season.

Third Annual Global Vegan Waffle Party!

Update: The Annual Global Vegan Waffle Party just keeps getting better and better! Over 50 people braved the torrential rain in their quest for the perfect waffle and tasty toppings. Thanks to our many volunteer bakers for keeping those waffle irons fired up. And it was great to see all the new faces interested in learning more about a plant-based diet.

It’s time for the Third Annual Global Vegan Waffle Party on Saturday, May 26 from 10:00 to 11:30am in the Fuller Park building at 4800 Grand Ave. in Minneapolis (corner of 48th and Grand).

The purpose of the Global Vegan Waffle Party is to promote friendlier, healthier, and more sustainable living via a significant decrease in animal product consumption. A Waffle Party is a fun, non-threatening way to generate broader awareness about where our food comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us.

Here’s how it works: We make a lot of vegan waffles. You come to the party with a vegan topping to share. We all eat yummy vegan waffles together! (Here’s some suggestions for toppings you could bring to share: fresh fruit, maple syrup, chocolate chips, peanut butter, fruit sauce, compote, Just Like Honey, coconut, nuts, vegan whipped topping.) It’s also great if you can bring your own plate and utensils because it helps us be good to the Earth.

Pound Seizure Now Banned in Minnesota!

It’s a historic day for animals in Minnesota. Pound seizure, legal in Minnesota since 1949, is now banned under the Omnibus Agriculture bill, HF2398/SF2061, which was approved by Governor Mark Dayton over the weekend. Pound seizure allowed any animal in a publicly funded shelter for more than five days to be claimed by a laboratory for experimentation. The new bill states: “A person must not release an animal seized and held under this section for research or product testing, either directly or through an animal dealer.”

The Animal Rights Coalition (ARC) worked with Howard Goldman, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) State Director for Minnesota to help bring about passage of this bill.

ARC formed End Pound Seizure Minnesota (EPSM), created a web site, obtained thousands of signatures against pound seizure, and brought awareness of the issue to the public through outreach and education. Amy Draeger, attorney and President of EPSM wrote original legislation and conducted historical research on pound seizure in Minnesota. Over a number of years, ARC made numerous requests for information under the Minnesota Data Practices Act to document usage of the pound seizure law.

ARC passed on all its research on the issue and its original legislation to Howard, who obtained authors for the bill in the legislature and tirelessly lobbied for its passage throughout the two-year legislative session. Howard was able to meet with past institutional opponents of the bill and persuade them not to oppose it, which was a major step towards successful passage of the bill.

We’re so thankful that ARC was able to work with Howard and HSUS in securing this victory for animals in Minnesota – and we’re especially thankful that no longer will lost and unclaimed animals in Minnesota be in danger of being released to institutions for experimentation.

World Wide Vegan Bake Sale – Twin Cities Style!

Update: Huge thanks to Celeste Hill and Melissa Swanson, World Wide Vegan Bake Sale – Twin Cities Style organizers, and all the volunteers who staffed the sale. Because of all your hard work we raised over $850 for animal advocacy programs in Minnesota. We were also thrilled at the many new people who stopped in who were considering a vegan diet and wanted to learn more about it.

Don’t miss the World Wide Vegan Bake Sale – Twin Cities Style on Saturday, April 21 at Ethique Nouveau, 317 West 48th St. in Minneapolis. All are welcome! It’s baketivism at its most awesome. All proceeds go to support the Animal Rights Coalition’s animal rights advocacy in Minnesota. (ARC is also the group that keeps Minneapolis Vegan Meetup going, BTW.)

Delight in the wide assortment of amazing vegan goodies – all the delish, none of the effort! Make sure to bring a container to tote home all the homemade goodness. A human who is able to stick to buying “just one” treat at our extravaganza of sweetness doesn’t seem to actually exist. Never been to one of our Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale events? Make plans to attend as it’s not to be missed! We kick off at 10am and the sale runs until 4pm. That’s 6 whole hours of deliciousness!

Foie Gras in the Twin Cities: Unwanted by Restaurant Patrons and Bad for Ducks

ARC’s Forego Foie Gras campaign received a grant from the Humane Research Council to research attitudes toward foie gras among Twin Cities diners. The results of the survey overwhelmingly prove that Minnesotans oppose this cruel product and prefer to patronize foie gras free establishments. Three-quarters (74%) of Twin Cities residents support a ban on foie gras production in the state of Minnesota, and after learning about how foie gras is produced, nearly half (45%) of respondents said they would avoid dining at restaurants that serve foie gras. Read more about the survey results.

Speak Up for Minnesota Dogs and Cats

Senate File (S.F.) 462 and House File (H.F.) 702, known as the Dog and Cat Regulation Bill, were the bills introduced in 2011 for the 2011-2012 Minnesota Legislative Session to license and regulate commercial dog and cat breeders in Minnesota. The session ended on May 10, 2012 and neither bill was granted a hearing. The bills did not progress and were not voted on. A new bill to license and regulate commercial dog and cat breeders will be introduced in January 2013 for the 2013-2014 Minnesota Legislative Session.

Even though the 2011-2012 session has ended, legislators still welcome input from constituents during the interim. Please know that re-districting and the upcoming November 2012 election may change who represents you. Find contact information for your legislators and call, write or email them. Tell them you’re a constituent and are contacting them about inhumane dog and cat breeding in the State of Minnesota and the fact that Minnesota has no state laws to regulate commercial dog and cat breeders. Ask them to support legislation to license, inspect, and enforce standards of care for commercial dog and cat breeders in Minnesota. Read more about this issue and puppy and kitten mills in Minnesota here.

ExtraVEGANza at Whole Foods Minnetonka

On Saturday, March 31 from 10:30am to 2:30pm, the Animal Rights Coalition is joining Whole Foods Market in Minnetonka (1001 Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, MN) to create a day dedicated to sampling and learning about vegan food and the importance of compassion towards animals.

Direct Care is Direct Action!

As interest in “urban farming” spreads, many cities are considering letting residents keep chickens. This presents challenges regarding the quality of their care and will likely lead to a huge increase in abandoned birds. Minneapolis currently tolerates wanton breeding, swapping, and backyard slaughter, all of which are being actively promoted by local urban farming enthusiasts. ARC and Chicken Run Rescue encourage you to take an active role in advocating for chickens and other domestic fowl as this trend continues (view the CRR brochure for more information).

Challenging the Myth of Humane Animal Products

As the media pay increased attention to the abuses occurring at large-scale animal farming operations, consumers are seeking alternatives. Labels such as “Cage Free,” “Free Range,” “Humanely Certified,” and “Grass Fed” suggest that those willing to pay a higher price can enjoy eggs, dairy, and meat from small-scale “humane” farms that treat animals with compassion and respect. But is the public being misled?

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(612) 822-6161

Animal Rights Coalition
317 W. 48th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

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